The Exodus Program


19th October 2010

Victoria Island, BC
Weather: Yesterday's storm has blown over and the day dawns overcast and warmer. The outside has a muffled feeling to it, like maybe the oppressive heat may be on it's way back. The scrubbers check the island over and only the far southern side of the compound is deemed to be off limits in the wake of the storm. The lawn is open, the pool is being refilled, the walking paths are up and running. People are invited to get outside, but to cover up!

Events: There is nothing major happening on the compound today. The dress shop and on-sight tailor are both hopping busy as they get ready for the Sweetheart Ball, which is only a week away!

Program Housekeeping Announcements

Susan's Dress Shop - Come and browse the rack and enjoy the attention of a professional fitting in time for the Sweetheart Ball!

Politics: The Board is still enjoying their victory with the European Union. In the wake of such a powerful endorsement, many of the smaller, struggling countries have quieted their outcries. Indeed, there is rumor that the Prime Minister of Australia has been seeking a new charter with the Program, which will open the doors to Australia citizens for the first time in more than a year.

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