The Exodus Program


30th September 2010

10:49am: Daily Update, Thursday June 7th, 2065
Victoria Island, BC
Weather: A storm moving down from the north has the island in a bit of an uproar. The docks have been closed to traffic and Security is postponing any candidate pick ups outside of the perimeter today. Early warning stations in Alaska have determined that the storm is pushing a large level of radiation ahead of it. As a result, all personal and program members are ordered to remain inside until the damaging radiation passes. High winds buffet the building and the rain is expected to hit shortly before dinner time. The storm is expected to draw down the warm temperatures.

Events: Thanks to everyone for making the Rom Com festival a roaring success! The Entertainment Committee plans to bring more good times soon! We hope everyone is anticipating the Sweetheart Ball next Friday! Make your dress orders and get measured for your suits right away! You don't want to miss a night of dancing under the starts with the love of your life.

Program Housekeeping Announcements

The Security Center: Please report any open windows and doors to security immediately until the crisis of the radiation storm passes. Anyone caught outside despite the curfew will be charged with endangerment. For everyone's safety, please comply with the indoor orders.

The Health Department - Iodine pills will accompany the breakfast carts today. Please ensure that you and your loved ones take these pills. They will help to lesson the damage in the case of a radiation breach.

Politics: The meeting with the EU in Paris has resulted in a resounding show of support for the program. Leaders all across the stricken northern countries vowed that, under no uncertain terms, would they deny the right to safety, success and good health on the new world. The entire program rejoices, as well as the hopeful applicants from the European Union.

((So sorry that this has come so late.))
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