The Exodus Program


25th August 2010

9:22pm: Freedom!
Who: Coop and Adnan
When: morning
Where: their suite and the hallway!

The doors were unlocked. Adnan had already tried one, and stepped out into the hallway of the building that he hadn't seen in seven days. Seven wonderful days. After standing outside of his new home for only a moment or two, he'd gone back in and shut the door behind him. It was still early, and his wife wasn't up yet. He felt that their first foray into the world as married people should be done together. In the meantime, there was breakfast to eat.

Once he'd helped himself -- for the first course, anyway, he'd been eating more breakfast for the past week than he'd ever eaten in his entire life -- he stepped out onto the balcony to enjoy the morning air, a cup of coffee in his hand. He could've woken Coop, he supposed, but he wasn't in a great rush to.

They had it once again. )
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