The Exodus Program


13th August 2010

9:47pm: Daily Update - June 4th, 2065
Victoria Island, BC
Weather: Sometime in the night the storm clouds rolled in once again. The day dawns to a steady downpour and there is no sign that the summer storm will let up. The temperature dips to 17C (62F) and the winds bluster around the building.

The rain drizzles off by 8 p.m, just in time for the setting orange sun to lance through the clouds. The sky burns red over the ocean, commonly known as Sailor's Delight.

Events: Day three of the RomCom moviefest will take place entirely in doors today, due to heavy rainfall outside. Picnic lunch orders are still being accepted for those who want them. Please call Hospitality Services to have a basket delivered to your suite.

10 a.m. - Wild Love starring Marco Delainey and Tera-Lynn Golding.
5 p.m. - Runaway Bride starring Richard Gere and Julia Roberts.
8 p.m. - Overboard starring Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn.

Join us tomorrow for three more classics!

Program Housekeeping Announcements

The Education Center: The summer courses are getting underway today. All students will receive their course texts with their breakfast this morning, along with any supplies they might need (additional terminal tablets and pens, etc.)

Hospitality Services: The red tide warnings have lifted and seafood is now back on the menu.

The Blue Nile Restaurant and Grill is having it's grand reopening. Come and sample North African and Middle Eastern cuisine at it's finest.

New Hours of Operation for the Hotel Cafeteria. Mon-Fri, 5 a.m-8 p.m.

As always, Hospitality Services will deliver room service at all hours of the day.

Politics: As the Canadian Prime Ministerial race begins to heat up, there is a definite anti-Program sentiment running through the Conservative and NDP parties. Michael Forbes of the Conservative Party is calling for a withdraw of funds from the space program, an all around cinching in of the belt. Sandra Greenburg, party leader for the New Democratic Party (NDP), a decidedly blue-collar party, is insisting that the resources of the Vast North ought to be invested with those who didn't win the genetic lottery. As their debates heat up the terminals, protesting along the coast is reaching a new pitch of violence. For the first time in years, Canadian and American military roll in to suppress out-breaking violence. Though declaration of martial law is greeted with relief by the politicians, it seems to only be fueling the rage of those who live in the area.
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