The Exodus Program


16th July 2010

12:28pm: Daily Update - June 2nd, 2065
Victoria Island, BC
Weather: The heat wave seems well and truly broken as the day dawns at a much more seasonal temperature, 20C (67F). White and fluffy clouds skitter over a greyish blue sky, which is the loveliest that the weather on this messed up planet ever gets anymore. There is very little humidity and not a rain shower in sight. Enjoy the weather if you can, but don’t forget the sunblock! Weather Advisory says that the UV will be quite high today.

Events: Today kicks off the beginning of the RomCom moviefest. For the next five day, romantic comedies of the last 150 years will be shown against the western wall of the hotel. Feel free to order a picnic lunch or dinner from the kitchens, spread a blanket and relive some of these incredible classics.
12 p.m. - Pretty Woman starring Julia Roberts and Richard Gere.
5 p.m. - Gone With The Wind starring Clark Gable and Viviene Leigh
8 p.m. - Juniper Beach starring Robert Pattinson and Abigail Breslin

Join us tomorrow for three more classics!

Program Housekeeping Announcements

Nothing today

Politics: The space sector of the program is under attack today as the repair assessment has been published for the Salvation. It seems that the 8 billion dollar price tag has set off a wave of dissent in the financial world. The argument today is that it may be more economical to build a newer ship, rather than refit the aging Salvation.

Program Members can watch the political debates through their terminals all day, every day.
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