The Exodus Program


6th July 2010

7:48am: June 1, 2065: A Week Full of Change
Who: Allie and Kieran
When: Morning
Where: Their suite

Allie came to with the sun on her face. She’d forgotten to roll the blinds closed the night before and now she was catching a full ray right against her eyelids, bathing her brain in red light. She rolled away from it and encountered her e-reader, which pushed her even further toward consciousness.

She groped for the thin piece of hardware and pulled it out from under the covers, eyes still closed. Somehow she managed to set it onto the bedside table without even looking. She could smell the open wine bottle and it caused her stomach to heave and roll over dangerously. She swallowed thickly, becoming aware of how bad her mouth tasted. Oh god, I’m going to be sick.

Her eyes snapped open and Allie sat up. Kieran was indeed in the bed with her, but she didn’t have the time to spare that any thoughts. She fumbled with the blankets for a moment but she managed to free herself. After rolling off the side of the bed and landing on the balls of her feet, she made the long trek around the massive piece of furniture to make it to the en suite bathroom.

what's the matter with you? )
5:51pm: May 31, 2065 - Progress?
Who: Zora and Garret
When: morning through all day
Where: their suite

Garret had slept much better than the night previous. He still felt aware of Zora's body in the bed with him on some level, but it hadn't been nearly as nerve-wracking as the night before. And so far she hadn't accidentally kicked him in the balls or anything. There was some light leaking through the covered windows and he was still breathing peacefully, on his side, one arm draped over his wife, his body pressed comfortably against her's. He was very slowly starting to wake up, in that wonderful drifting way that never happened when there was an alarm clock around.

His dream-thoughts were gradually making their way into awake-thoughts, but none of them were focused on his penis. Which was at full attention and caught between his stomach and Zora's body. It was a very nice warm place for it to be, and morning wood was the kind of normal thing that Garret didn't pay any attention to. He was sleepily hoping that breakfast was soon.

With a rocky start. )
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