The Exodus Program


4th July 2010

11:00pm: June 1, 2065: Birthday Privilege
Who: Shae and Liam
Where: their suite
When: early afternoon
Warnings: NSFW

Shae didn't mind the rain. She was standing at their balcony door, one hand pressed to the glass to feel the coolness of it, gazing out idly at the roiling sky. It almost made her wish she could go outside and walk in it, but that, of course, was impossible. Maybe she was mildly restless. It wasn't that she was discontent with Liam or the way they were getting along thus far, nothing like that. She just wasn't used to being inside this much, and she missed her mom a little... and it was her birthday. Once she'd ceased to be a child, she'd never done anything that special to celebrate them, but it was weird to have a birthday and not have anyone here know about it. Well, she was sure the program scientists did, but it wasn't like they were going to have someone jump out of a cake for her or anything.

She breathed on the glass and then traced little patterns in the condensation, feeling slightly too cool standing here in her worn denim shorts and orange tank-top but not exactly inclined to move, either.

you probably have sexy bones under there too )
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