The Exodus Program


17th June 2010

5:51pm: Outside World Interruption
Who: Coop and Adnan
Where: Their honeymoon suite
When: Mid-morning and onward
Warning: NSFW

Coop came around slowly, drifting in and out of consciousness for most of the early morning. She vaguely recalled Adnan slipping out from underneath her but she couldn't have said what time that might have been. She also could smell breakfast in the other room and her stomach growled. She flopped over onto her back and pulled a pillow over her head. There had to be a way to cling on to a little bit more sleep! Her toes, peaking out from beneath the covers, actually curled with the effort she put in to drifting off. It was a surefire sign that all was hopeless.

She pulled the pillow off of her face and sighed. Cracking her eyes open showed that Adnan was, in fact, gone from the bedroom. She thought she could hear the murmur of the terminal in the other room and smiled. What words had he mastered while she was asleep? That along had her crawling for the edge of the bed.

Sad. )
6:33pm: Dreams
Who: Stefan and Torlin
When: early morning
Where: their suite

Before Stef was really aware of what he was doing, he'd propelled himself out of bed and left the bedroom, heading not for the attached bathroom but for the other one on the far end of the suite. As he passed through the dining room area, he noticed that it wasn't even quite light outside yet, but he wasn't awake enough to wonder what time it was. Once in the bathroom, he pissed without turning on the light and then washed his hands and splashed water over his face. He leaned over the sink, hands braced on the marble vanity counter to either side, and breathed, his eyes shut. That motherfucking dream couldn't leave him alone, not even here.

This time there'd mysteriously been an open door on the moving subway train, and after the searing pain of having his neck sliced open, his attacker had pushed him out of it. Stef had fallen what had seemed like forever, faster and faster, screaming and flailing and bleeding and ceaselessly wondering when he'd hit an electrified rail, a power line, the bottom of a rocky canyon, the depths of the sea. Wherever it was he was falling to. His fingers traced over the scar, as if to reassure himself that he wasn't bleeding, and then he straightened up and padded out to the sliding balcony doors off the living room. Clicking the sliding lock, he pushed the door aside and stepped out into the cool early morning air. Damned if he didn't want a cigarette down to the very depths of his soul.

Both good and bad. )
8:20pm: May 30, 2065 - Closer
Who: Zora and Garret
When: early early early morning & onward
Where: their suite

Garret was dreaming about flying. They were always nice dreams about leaving the fucked up world behind and pushing his plane up far higher than any waking plane would go. Then jumping ship at the apex of the ascent, letting the hunk of metal fall away, and feeling absolutely weightless and free, with the air rushing around him. He was unaware of anything else, his dreaming self having forgotten all about his uncomfortable marriage, being stuck in this tiny place without any cigarettes, and all the world outside of his own mind.

Why did it feel like a relief and a disappointment at the same time? How did this girl continually mix him up inside like that? )
9:51pm: Easy Times
Who: Avery and Garron
Where: Their suite
When: Mid-morning of the third day of their marriage.

Garron was tired. Full, and tired. He was sprawled on the couch in the shade of that huge-assed space ship. So much for their romantic view of the space docks. Now there was a big ol' ship there, that blocked out the sun. Still, he had one forearm cast over his eyes, the other holding his stomach. They had served them seafood crepes and some sort of light peach tea that made him think of his mother. He had a sneaking suspicion that he may have forgotten all of his good manners over breakfast and now, gorged, he couldn't even think about opening his eye. "Oh god, I think I killed myself with food," he weakly groaned.

He'd pulled on his jeans but a few minutes before he had unbuttoned them to relieve a little pressure. "I promise to never eat three of those crepes in a row, ever again," he said to the room, possibly his wife if she was within hearing and definitely to God.

Avery hadn't eaten as much as Garron had, so she was up and moving about, rather than sprawled out on the couch, moaning. She'd had some fruit, and a bagel, and managed to avoid the crepes and more fattening choices. It was only day three of their so-called honeymoon and she was feeling restless. She felt as if she needed to get back to work, even though that wasn't possible right now. "I'm sure the next time you're starving, you'll be thinking about eating three crepes in a row," Avery told him dryly. She was standing at the window, watching the ship outside. "You're a man, after all... aren't they always thinking about food or sex?"

Killing Time By Showing Off Moves )
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