The Exodus Program


14th June 2010

7:57am: Perfect
Who: Shae and Liam
Where: their suite
When: mid-morning

Shae was letting her mind wander as she finished up her post-shower routine of putting on the peach-scented body lotion she used and towel-drying all but the tiniest bit of dampness out of her hair. She'd been wanting to send a video log to her mother in Savannah, but she hadn't been able to find an opportunity; she thought that knowing Liam might be listening would make her self-conscious. She was also pondering over their week thus far and feeling a little bit anxious as she wondered what was going to happen and if Liam was disappointed with her. He seemed very polite, seemed to be having a good time watching movies with her and talking, and they were certainly enjoying the meals they were brought each day. In a way, it was like being on vacation, just with the glaringly obvious omission of the kind of physical contact married people got up to.

do you regret it? )
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