The Exodus Program


7th June 2010

10:52pm: A Sliver of Common Ground?
Who: Zora and Garret
When: morning on
Where: their suite

Zora had slept better than she had in weeks thanks to the security of knowing she was safely locked in and the comfy bed. There were no fears of strange men creeping up on her in her sleep, no worries about the consequences of having to defend herself against people or rats or roaches. Just comfortable bedding and surprisingly mundane dreams.

Once awake she showered, brushed her teeth and made herself presentable. She went for her shorts, which were camo pants cut off just below the knees, and a faded black t-shirt that still had the remnants of some band's logo on the front. There wasn't really a need for shoes or socks since she was going to be stuck in the suite. Over all she felt more like herself now that she didn't have to parade around with a ridiculous hairdo in a ridiculous outfit.

She emerged from the bedroom cautiously, peering out from behind the door as she opened it slowly. She wasn't sure what to expect after the night before. So many mixed emotions raged through her that she wasn't even sure how she felt about anything this morning, let alone what Garret might be feeling. All she knew was she was hungry and wasn't the biggest fan of having that huge room to herself. The room she'd had back home had been barely large enough for her ancient single mattress and a dresser missing half its drawers. The suite was spacious by comparison, but felt much more empty.

Unless something awful happens. )
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