The Exodus Program


28th May 2010

2:22pm: Date Update - May 28, 2065
Victoria Island, BC
Weather: Hot and humid. There has been a week-long heatwave gripping the coast. The water is still, the air is still. It's humid and muggy. Today, there is no sun. It's a little bit overcast. The effect is sort of greying. People feel a little bit wilted

Events: People are excited because the ExP Salvation has made contact on the outer edge of the solar system. They are expected to make it into orbit and to the island's space docks within 24 hours. Today, the grounds are getting ready for the celebration that always accompanies the return of the ships. There will be a barbeque to welcome back the crew, as well as music. So today, there is food being gathered and prepped, as well as decorations. Anyone not working a shift is welcome to offer to help out.

Politics: Rumor has it that the Salvation has a hold full of produce harvested from Haven. The amount on board isn't enough to make a difference in the world-wide market but the Program's Board of Directors is split down the middle. Some want to offer the lot of food up to be auctioned off to the countries of the world. Some want to deliver the food to the Vancouver refugee camps in the hopes of quelling some of the terrible suffering there.
9:46pm: Into A New Life
Who: Coop, Adnan and their handlers
Where: The Hotel
When: Early evening into late

Hamim al Fahkri's highly polished dress shoes squeaked on the marble tile of the Hotel lobby as he hurried from the Handler's lounge toward the docks. His cellphone had vibrated in his smart blue jacket less than five minutes before, nearly scaring the glass of lime soda right out of his hand. There wasn't much work for him here. Not too many Arab-speaking people applied to the Program. Part of the issue was that, despite the endorsement of the Coalition of God, it was still viewed as largely a Western undertaking. As bad as things were in the Middle East since the official end of the war, they weren't quite bad enough for the more traditional families to forgive and forget.

In this day and age, most of the American or Canadian Arabic families were also English speakers. Well enough to get through, anyway. Still, he'd been well briefed on his new charge, Mr. Adnan Dosky. He knew the fellow had a handful of English and that was about it. If ever there was someone who needed Hamim's help, it was this lucky young man.

Who needs to talk on their wedding night, really? )
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