Evil in Residence OOC

August 2nd, 2008

01:02 am - [info]evil_mods - HI EVERYONE

Hey everyone!

The great mind of [info]h_u_n_k_ has come up with a new part of the comm which I have decided to institute. :3

Everybody go join [info]evil_past! Okay, you don't have to. It's actually totally optional. You can go to the community user info to read what the new comm is all about, but to give a basic rundown, it's a community for logging things outside of the scope of the RP, but still with the same characters, etc. IT'S FOR FUNTIEMS

Like I said, totally optional, but Alex and I wanted an excuse to play young!Wesker and young!Birkin somewhere it should be pretty fun for anybody who wants to participate, so please do! :D

Em ♥
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