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[26 May 2017|02:44pm]
OOC note: We have adjusted the timeline in regards to the death of Alecto and Amycus' father. We're going to say he was in custody for several days and died yesterday. The Prophet published an article today talking about his death. While it was still rather factual, there were mentions of the Minister's instability and the aggressive methods. No information is given as to how he died. The Ministry will be releasing a statement shortly about this leak of information.
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[26 May 2017|09:10pm]
They really will put anything on the radio.

Lucius )

Carrows )

Evan )

Wilhuff )

Bellatrix )
15 comments|post comment

[26 May 2017|09:29pm]
Order )

Abe )

Griselda )

Private )
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[ viewing | May 26th, 2017 ]
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