EVERYDAY DEEDS RP's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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[12 May 2017|02:37pm]
In the early hours of this morning, Diagon Alley was covered with explicit photographs of Priya Patil. They are proving difficult to remove as they have been charmed in place though some members of the public have managed to do so.
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[12 May 2017|03:09pm]
Lana was a gifted, kind and spirited young witch. She chose to fight for a cause she believed in while knowing it came with great personal risk. For those of you who are unsure as to where to stand during this war, I ask you to consider the sacrifices that have already been made. We cannot let them be in vain.

Micah )

Griselda )

Abe )
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[ viewing | May 12th, 2017 ]
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