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[05 May 2017|09:46am]
Characters: Micah, Delilah, Henry
Date: Friday, May 5th
Setting: Diagon Alley
Content: Werewolves gonna...were? Umm.
Summary: A random encounter with like mooned individuals

People are strange, when you're a stranger. )
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[05 May 2017|11:27am]
Who: Benjy Fenwick & Hamish
When: Friday, Early Evening
Where: Wizard Village of Montrose
What: Benjy has offered lessons in wizard-ness to Hamish and has some news about Hogwarts.
Rating: Low?

I'm Watching People Pass, Waving Through a Window/ Can Anybody See? Is Anybody Waving Back At Me? )
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[05 May 2017|02:35pm]
Characters: Molly and Arthur
Date: Majorly back-dated... before the twin's were born.
Setting: The Burrow
Content: Morthur FLUFF
Summary: See above

The Simple Life )
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[05 May 2017|02:50pm]
Castor Yaxley )

Severus Snape )

Lucius Malfoy )

Added later.

Fenrir )
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[05 May 2017|04:03pm]
Who: Andy and Ted
Where: R&H
When: Friday afternoon/evening
What: Andy knows Ted is struggling with Lana's death a bit, and so they decide to have a drink
Rating: TBD - lowish?

What kind of drink are you making me then, Hooligan? Show me your magic. )
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