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[01 May 2017|12:04am]
Characters: Jasper Nott and Melisande Yaxley
Date: Sunday evening - 30 April 1979
Setting: Nott Manor
Content: TBD, will update
Summary: Jasper cooks dinner, Melisande finds out about his “hobby.”

We know that we can brave it all )
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[01 May 2017|08:46am]
Characters: Fenrir and Henry Greyback
Date: Monday, May 1st - Afternoon
Setting: Untainted forest (aka: Fenrir didn't pee there)
Content: Potential language.
Summary: A father and son reunion

Who's afraid of the big bad wolf? The big bad wolf. The big bad wolf. Who's afraid of the big bad wolf? )
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[ viewing | May 1st, 2017 ]
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