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[22 Apr 2017|09:47am]
Characters: Charity and OPEN
Date: 4/22/1979
Setting: London and then Diagon Alley
Content: Probably fairly low, will adjust as necessary
Summary: We shall watch the muggles, learn their strange ways, and then....

Strange Goings on in London Town )
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[22 Apr 2017|10:34am]
Characters: Lana | Kur | Astrid
Date: 4/22, Saturday
Setting: Starting in front of Lana’s flat, then tbd
Content: Likely High. Warnings: Torture. Death.
Summary: My name is Death and the end is here...

When God is gone and the Devil takes hold, who will have mercy on your soul? )
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[22 Apr 2017|05:58pm]
Characters: Evan Rosier
Date: Saturday evening - 22nd April 1979
Setting: Longbottom household
Content: High-ish?
Summary: The death of Wallace Longbottom. Narrative.

Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future. )
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[22 Apr 2017|08:20pm]


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