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[20 Apr 2017|04:26pm]
Characters: Isaac Morgan and Severus Snape
Date: BACKDATED: Wednesday 19th April, 1979
Setting: Isaac's private greenhouse on the property of Micah's house
Content: TBD
Summary: Checking Del's pregnancy potions; hopefully not slicing his hand open

Another set of eyes )
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[20 Apr 2017|04:52pm]
Characters: Gideon Prewett, EMMELINE VANCE, Nymphadora Tonks Fawley, Bill Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Freya Prewett, Mischief Prewett
Date: BACKDATED: Sunday 16th April, 1979
Setting: Gideon's flat
Content: Aorable fluffiness
Summary: Gideon and Em are babysitting Nymphadora, Charlie, Bill and Freya the super pup. AND MISCHIEF--Fay's puppy. MERLIN.

What had they let themselves in for? )
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[20 Apr 2017|09:33pm]
Bellatrix )

Fenrir )

Evan )

Added later.

Lucius Malfoy )
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