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[06 Apr 2017|11:25am]
Characters: Remus & Micah (open to Fenrir later)
Date: 4/5, Thursday
Setting: Fenrir's Cellar
Content: Tbd
Summary: Comforting the wolf.

I will try to fix you. )
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[06 Apr 2017|12:09pm]
Who: Sirius & Peter
When: Immediatly after this.
Where: Marauders Retreat, Hogwarts, Peter's Room
What: Peter called down the thunder.
Rating: Medium? Typical mild violence.

TNT, Dynomite. )
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[06 Apr 2017|03:27pm]
Who: Mary
When: Thursday evening
Where: Camden
What: Narrative of Mary being a mess and trying to step into traffic, but being stopped by a random guy.
Rating: Low in terms of sex or violence
Warning: Could be triggery -- technically a sort-of suicide attempt?

She wasn't thinking about the consequences, really. )
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[ viewing | April 6th, 2017 ]
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