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[16 Mar 2017|01:09pm]
Howler Delivered to Alastor Moody )
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[16 Mar 2017|05:15pm]
Package for Rodolphus Lestrange )

Package for Castor Yaxley )
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[16 Mar 2017|05:44pm]
Who: Anton Dolohov & Fabian Prewett
When: 2am, Friday 'Morning'
Where: Anton's Flat
What: Fay needs a moment of comfort.
Rating: Mid-High?

My Songs Know What you Did In the Dark )
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[16 Mar 2017|07:48pm]
Characters: Alice Sayre and Frank Longbottom
Date: FUTUREDATED: Friday 17th March
Setting: The Piano Works, London
Content: TBD
Summary: First official date

Are these pianos as sturdy as yours? )
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[16 Mar 2017|08:23pm]
Characters: Open to Purists
Date: FUTUREDATED: Friday 17th March
Setting: Lestrange Manor
Content: With this pack, who knows?
Summary: Rod’s birthday

Time to celebrate! )
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