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[11 Mar 2017|09:56pm]
Characters: Lord Voldemort, Mafalda Prewett, Molly Weasley, Edgar Bones, Alastor Moody
Date: Saturday 11th March, 1979
Setting: The Burrow
Content: No graphic detail but the list does include a character death and injury
Summary: Bye, bye Mafalda

An OOC run down of what went down at the Burrow )
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[11 Mar 2017|09:57pm]
Written to Sirius during the attack on the Burrow. The message screeches for attention.

Sirius )
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[11 Mar 2017|09:59pm]
A high pitched ringing accompanies this message.

Order members )

*OOC note: This location is hidden by the Fidelius Charm, Dumbledore being the Secret Keeper. Upon arrival, every member will be questioned by Dumbledore to check their true identity (as even though Dumbledore knows he was the one who betrayed Mafalda's location, he must keep up appearances).
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