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[08 Mar 2017|06:10am]
Order )

Minerva | Edgar | Moody )

Remus | Sirius )
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[08 Mar 2017|06:19am]
The following message howls until responded to.

Remus Lupin )
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[08 Mar 2017|11:32am]
Who: Emmeline Vance and Gideon Prewett
When: BACKDATED: February 24, 1979
Where: Gideon's home
What: Baking and feelings
Rating: Low-ish?
Warnings: Cuteness and fluff

Baking was her thing. )
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[08 Mar 2017|11:59am]
Who: Remus & Sirius
When: [BACKDATED] Evening of Feb 25
Where: Their flat and then a mysterious cave
What: Remus & Sirius figure out Kreacher's riddle
Rating: Medium-high

Soon you will be where your own eyes will see the source and cause and give you their own answer to the mystery )
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[08 Mar 2017|08:36pm]
Characters: Alastor Moody and Amelia Bones
Date: Thursday March 8th (following the decision within the Wizengamot to allow Aurors and Hits to use the Unforgivable Curses)
Setting: Her office
Content: Language
Summary: They discuss the details and ramifications of the curses

It had to be done. )
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