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[25 Feb 2017|01:02am]
Characters: Molly Weasley and Gideon Prewett (with guest appearances from The Five Little Weasleys)
Date: Friday; lunchtime for grownups, after lunch for mummies
Setting: The Burrow
Content: No adult content
Summary: Gideon drops by for advice, and also pie. Always with the pie.

There was always laundry )
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[25 Feb 2017|01:02pm]
Who: Mary and Peter
When: Saturday, Feb 25, midday
Where: His flat
What: Mary comes to look for clues to his whereabouts in his room, and Pete shows up
Rating: High (possible adult content)

Where have you been? )
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[25 Feb 2017|03:38pm]
No death is ever trivial. Some would do good to remember that.

Severus )

Added later:

Lily )

Added later:

James )
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[25 Feb 2017|06:17pm]
Who: Remus & Sirius
When: Early Saturday evening
Where: Their flat and then a mysterious cave
What: Remus & Sirius figure out Kreacher's riddle
Rating: Medium-high

Soon you will be where your own eyes will see the source and cause and give you their own answer to the mystery. )

{OOC Note: Continued here.}
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