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[19 Feb 2017|08:16am]
Where will I buy my snowdrops from now?

Death Eaters )

Evan )

Bellatrix )

Private )
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[19 Feb 2017|03:09pm]
Characters: Evan Rosier & Alecto Carrow
Date: Friday February 17th late after the attack.
Setting: Alecto's crappy apartment.
Content: Medium?
Summary: Healing wounds.

I'll numb the pain till I am made of stone )
10 comments|post comment

[19 Feb 2017|07:19pm]
Characters: Hestia Jones and Augusta Longbottom, with an appearance by Frank Longbottom
Date: Friday, after the attack
Setting: Accio Cake, then ________
Content: Medium
Summary: Hestia is freaking out after her “mistake” tragedy.

i hurt myself today )
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