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[10 Feb 2017|11:18am]
Characters: Sitius Black & OPEN to anyone at the Marauder Flat
Date: Very Late Thursday Night, Feb 9
Setting: Marauder Flat in London
Content: TBD
Summary: Sirius is troubled and takes refuge in late night drinking and snacking!

Give Me Something to Free My Mind )
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[10 Feb 2017|12:39pm]
Who: Andromeda Black and Evan Rosier
When: Friday, February 10, afternoon
Where: An Apothecary in Knockturn Alley
What: Andromeda and Evan run into each other
Rating: Low (no adult content)

What brings you to Knockturn Alley on a Friday afternoon? )
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[10 Feb 2017|01:40pm]
Characters: Lord Voldemort and Adrian Lestrange
Date: BACKDATED: Thursday 9th February, 1979
Setting: Lestrange Manor
Content: Relatively low, but it is a death scene
Summary: Night, night, Adrian Lestrange

Mundane Things )
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[10 Feb 2017|02:32pm]
Characters: Death Eaters
Date: Friday 10th February, 1979
Setting: This is given at the last moment. Members take turns 'hosting' the meetings. Feel free to state below if your character hosted this one.
Content: Low
Summary: Discussing their next move

OOC: Please note below how your character reacts in the meeting )
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[10 Feb 2017|06:18pm]
Characters: Severus Snape & Lily Evans
Date: Summer of ‘78
Setting: Meadow near Spinner’s End
Content: unfortunately Low
Summary: Attempting to mend bridges.

Back and forth that voice of yours keeps me up at night )
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[10 Feb 2017|09:30pm]
Characters: Frank Longbottom, James Potter, Lily Evans, Alice Sayre + OPEN TO ANYONE UP FOR KARAOKE
Date: FORWARD DATED: Saturday February 11th
Setting: Pryzm Nightclub, London
Content: TBD
Summary: Alcohol, karaoke and spying

Summer Lovin' Happened So Fast )
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[10 Feb 2017|09:57pm]
Who: Carey Dearborn and Fay Prewett
What: Run-in at the pub
Where: The Dragon and Duck
When: Friday Night.
Rating: TBD? Probably mild.

It had been a long day, a very, very long day )
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