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Annoucement by the Minister of Magic [05 Feb 2017|04:05pm]
The following information appears in all journals, as well as through the wizarding wireless:

• Any individual found to be obscuring the course of justice will receive life imprisonment. If their actions lead to the death or serious harm of another, they will receive the Dementor's Kiss.
• Any individual who does not come forward with information that could support the Ministry's efforts in this war will receive life imprisonment. If their deception leads to the death or serious harm of another, they will receive the Dementor's Kiss.
• Any individual found to be practising dark magic will receive the Dementor's Kiss.

Minister of Magic Harold Minchum
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[05 Feb 2017|05:00pm]
Divided they fall.

Death Eaters )
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[05 Feb 2017|05:04pm]
Characters: Order Members
Date: Sunday 5th February, 1979
Setting: An abandoned warehouse in Muggle London
Content: Low
Summary: Discussing the Minister's announcement

OOC: Please note below how your character reacts in the meeting )
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