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Bellatrix/Narcissa/Rod/Minister/DMLE PLOT [14 May 2017|05:08pm]
I apologise for spamming you with plot related things, but I just need to get this finalised so people know how to react.

This all happened over the course of Friday night/Saturday morning.

♥ Narcissa stopped the attack from getting too far. Bellatrix and Rod left to pack their house up pretty quickly, but before they left Bellatrix threw the Dark Mark up.
♥ The Dark Mark was reported and the Auror department arrived. Ted and Andy are gone, but Moody sent word to St. Mungo's to see if they were there while also sending another team to scout the area.
♥ Moody arrived at St. Mungo's. Andy explained that Bellatrix and Rod attacked them, mentioned the runes and that Narcissa was the one to stop the attack. The runes will be enough evidence (accompanied with Remus' previous testimony of a female being involved in his attack AND THE DARK MARK) to make Bellatrix a known Death Eater. Rodolphus, too, but that's more of an assumption. He will simply be a wanted man and assumed Death Eater (If this makes sense--let me know if it doesn't).
♥ Moody will have gone in pursuit of Bellatrix and Rodolphus, but will have found them missing. Another team will have brought Lucius and Narcissa in for questioning (assuming they have not gone on the run, too). Lucius' sway with the Minister would prevent Moody from using the same interrogation techniques that he used on Astrid/Kur, but the Minister will begin to cut contact with Lucius.

BASICALLY, Narcissa is my grey point here. This can be changed and adapted, but I thought it was best to consolidate. ALSO, if you feel like your character would be involved in this and I have missed it, please don't hesitate to comment. This would affect anyone working in the DMLE or with an association to Bellatrix.
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