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[09 May 2017|06:33am]
Hey all! Kat here bringing you Alphard Black. Yep, that Alphard Black. Walburga's sister, Sirius' uncle, blasted off the Black family tapestry by his mother and good riddance as far as he's concerned.

Alphard - or Alfie to his friends - is a '51 Slytherin. Yeah, he was as surprised as anyone about the Slytherin thing but then again, he was already very good at lying to his family by the age of eleven so he supposes it makes sense. He's independently wealthy, as they say, having inherited an aunt's (or possibly a cousin's... she was a Black so it's quite likely both) fortune.

He was disowned and kicked out of the Black family when he was eighteen, shortly after he finished at Hogwarts. It was... mostly accidental. He'd always intended to get himself kicked out but being caught in flagrante delicto with a young man at a society party wasn't quite the way he intended to do it. Still, it was done and off he went to find out what life was all about when you weren't being stifled by the Black family. (And yes, he is, as they say, gay as Dick's hatband and he doesn't care who knows it.)

He still doesn't work, though he does invest in promising projects and so on and he has a very good eye for that so he's managed to have his money make more money. Not that he really cares as long as he's comfortable. He's rather studiously neutral in the war given his name and his past and all that and he does have something of a conservative streak in him but overall he's all for equality and so on.

Anyway, I'll stop babbling. You can read all about him here and I'd love all the plot/friends/enemies etc.
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