it's been a long time coming - January 27th, 2012

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January 27th, 2012

02:04 pm - Meeting the coworker
It was about nine a.m. the next morning when Sarah bugged Lindsey to let her come with him to work today. After two hours of begging,pleading and almost flat out whining he caved and told her she could come with him. Once they were at the office, Lindsey went to his office and Sarah decided to wander around the office on her own for a bit. She promised Lindsey that she'd be good and not interrupt anyone that was super important. Sarah was wandering around the sixth floor break area when she ran into a skinny guy who honestly looked a bit freaked out and very frazzled. She leaned back against the counter and watched him for a moment. He kept muttering something about the harpy bitch from hell and how she could get her own damn coffee if he didn't make it the right way.

Sarah smiled at him. "Um I couldn't help overhearing your uh.. annoyance from over here, who's the harpy?" she asked him. The guy looked over and nearly dropped the spoon he was holding. He hadn't seen her and the sound of her voice had surprised him. "Ah..that would be Ms. Morgan, I think I'm the queen bee around here,everyone should do my damn bidding or die." Sarah stiffled a laugh. "Wow sounds harsh, where's her office?"
Current Location: sixth floor break room
Current Mood: [mood icon] cheerful
Current Music: grumbling minions

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