Ever at the Ready - A Torchwood/Doctor Who RPG

May 7th, 2008

May 7th, 2008

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TITLE: For Want of a Hat
TIME/DAY: Evening / May 7th
TAKES PLACE AFTER: The Black & The White
CHARACTERS: Open, especially to those whom Five hasn't met yet. But not Donna, for obvious reasons. :)
WARNINGS: It's Five. You'd be lucky to get a "Blast!" from him.

'It is impossible to travel faster than the speed of light, and certainly not desirable, as one's hat keeps blowing off.' - Woody Allen )

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Private to Susan and Fred )


The OOD said all songs end. Maybe I should give up and make it end. No. I can’t. I care to much. I can’t simply leave these people here in this mess. Even myself can’t leave. But, I do have a choice to simply kick me feet back and allow it to happen. But, it’s like throwing a toy ball to a cage of apes and see what they will do with the ball. By the way that’s a red rubber ball. Those are the best sort of balls. I always fancy them myself. I always like the colour red for a ball. Make that a nice 20inch diameter red rubber ball. Plain! No design on it, mind you. It has a nice bounce too it. The rubber is shiny and smooth too. Always filled with air and never goes flat. Air with time, yea, that be a nice. It will be a rubber red ball with the air of time inside it will be like a void. A red rubber ball with void stuff! I like that!

Could I have the power to invent a sphere like that? What if I did? This red rubber ball might be something. But, I wait and see if the collection will show up.

I make the galactical best Banana splits in all time. Thank you very much.


I feel another Time Lord but he’s from the other dimension. He’s not happy either. What’s the story?

Oh, I almost forgot. We got Soldier who’s a Time Lord. We actually a living Time Lord from our time string!

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TITLE: Horror Struck
TIME/DAY: Wednesday, night
CHARACTERS: Tom, Donna and NPC (Weevil)
WARNINGS: Blood and gore. Horroriffic scenes.

witty text )
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