Ever at the Ready - A Torchwood/Doctor Who RPG

March 9th, 2008

March 9th, 2008

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TITLE: Doctor wants his Susie-Q
TIME/DAY: 3-8-08 (Midnight)
TAKES PLACE AFTER/BEFORE: After he saw Rose and sent Rose on a mission
CHARACTERS: Doctor (10) and Susan

Tea service--no Ianto )

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TITLE: Drunk man
TIME/DAY: 3-8-08 (Midnight)
TAKES PLACE AFTER/BEFORE: After he killed the pizza man (oh that was a few days ago)
CHARACTERS: Captain John Hart (Closed)
WARNINGS: Lets see John Hart, violence and sex!

100 customers on the stools, take one down---bang! )

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TITLE: Alien, interrupted.
TIME/DAY: 3-9-08.
TAKES PLACE AFTER/BEFORE: Right after "The Doctor and his Susie Q."
CHARACTERS: Susan, anyone from Torchwood, the TARDIS (that's a bit annoyed at everyone, I assume, for someone shooting at her.)
WARNINGS: Susan has a meltdown. Thanks, Ten!

Like a bat out of hell, Susan flew out of the TARDIS... )
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