Ever at the Ready - A Torchwood/Doctor Who RPG

March 6th, 2008

March 6th, 2008

Near Death Experience

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TITLE: Near Death Experience
TIME/DAY: Afternoon / March 6th
TAKES PLACE AFTER: To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow...
CHARACTERS: Adric & Susan
WARNINGS: Potential wtfery.

Adric had been prepared to die. He was young, yes, but all of his family was dead already, so it had only been a matter of time until he joined them. He had been prepared to die, but the fall that he had was certainly nothing like what he expected would happen to him. And the place that he ended up was nothing like the place that he'd seen from the view screen on the cargo ship. Shifting slowly to his feet, looking around in confusion, Adric folded the badge of the Outlers carefully and stuck it back under his shirt, frowning at his surroundings as he struggled to keep himself calm. There would be no good in panicking. Where was he? How did he even get here? And why was he still alive?

"Now this isn't right," Adric said to himself, hands sliding self-consciously into his pockets as he tightened in on himself, trying to avoid the judgmental gaze of the crowds that surrounded him. "Oh, this could only be Earth," Adric drawled. "Only humans are capable of such disdain toward strangers."

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TITLE: Pizza Delivery
TIME/DAY: 3-6-08 late at night
CHARACTERS: John (but he left) open to any Torchwood or Dr Who folk or anyone
WARNINGS: Sexual intentions….hard as groping people

witty text )
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