Ever at the Ready - A Torchwood/Doctor Who RPG

February 25th, 2008

February 25th, 2008

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TITLE: Laments of Relations and Disney World.
TIME/DAY: 2/24/08 (it was written before it hit twelve :0!)
CHARACTERS: Doctor, Jack, Fred—anyone and everyone at Torchwood! (Ten-Mun gave me permission to slightly npc him, but its nothing srs. He walks out of the TARDIS with her in tow.)
WARNINGS: Susan will bounce, and if Fred is naïve enough, perhaps an alien with a caffine buzz might bounce even more. That’s not a warning? Oh. Sorry.

Eyes sparkled as she tilted her head to the right, a digit on her chin in thought. “I wonder what the theme park looks like in the twenty-first century, compared to the twenty-second!” )

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TITLE:What is normal anyways?
TIME/DAY:Afternoon/ Feb. 25th
CHARACTERS:Capt. Jack and the rest of Torchwood
WARNINGS: anything is possible with Sebastian around

The spirit beckons )
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