Ever at the Ready - A Torchwood/Doctor Who RPG

February 20th, 2008

February 20th, 2008

Heigh Ho Heigh Ho

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TITLE: It's off to Torchwood we go...
TIME/DAY: Not really sure
TAKES PLACE AFTER: The last Sara/Rae thread
CHARACTERS: Sara, Rae, Jack, and whoever else might be around
WARNINGS: None that I know of

Sara felt a little less like she was playing dress up now that she was in clothes her own size. She also looked a bit more relaxed -- jeans, sneakers, a tee shirt -- she could have been any other teenage girl. But she wasn't any other teenage girl, which was the whole reason she was following Rae into the Torchwood hub, eyes wide as she absorbed everything around her.

"Whoa..." She started to wander off towards...well, she wasn't really sure what it was, but it was shiny.

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TITLE:Food For Thought
TIME/DAY:Nighttime/Feb. 20th
TAKES PLACE AFTER/BEFORE:After Sebastian’s arrival
CHARACTERS: tag- Adrian, Closed
WARNINGS: violence possible minor sexual content

Food For Thought )
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