Ever at the Ready - A Torchwood/Doctor Who RPG

May 4th, 2008

May 4th, 2008

Modly Post

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Hey everyone, as some of you might have noticed, we mods have been a little...not here I think is a good word? But, um yeah...I've been busy with my last few weeks of college, so I've been drowning in papers and projects galore. Next week is finals, so I probably won't be around much until after that. I've also gotten myself a job, so I won't be as active as I normally would be during the summer, but I'll try my best.

For now, if you have any questions for us or any ideas or anything, it'll probably be easier to email us at everattheready@gmail.com

We'll be around again eventually, fear not! And thanks for sticking with us -group hug-

Dropping Out

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While I REALLY hate to do this because you're all great players and awesomely friendly and the game itself is fantastic, but I'm afraid I feel I have to drop out. It's basically a matter of pacing and keeping up with things, namely, that I can't. I've come to face the unfortunate fact that even during my summer break, I cannot maintain play in this game as quickly as everyone else or even as quickly as I'd like for myself.

I'm especially sorry about dropping because I know a lack of Rose will leave several players/characters/storylines in the lurch. It is my sincerest wish that you guys can find a new player for Rose soon.
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