Ever at the Ready - A Torchwood/Doctor Who RPG

April 26th, 2008

April 26th, 2008

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Hi, everyone! I'm Lindsay and I'm bringing you Torchwood Three resident Gwen Cooper! Just a quick intro - I've been RPing for a long time (odds are some of us have crossed paths at one time or another! haha), and I've played in a couple of Doctor Who/Torchwood type games - this is the first time I'm playing Gwen.

Basically, this is Gwen from the beginning of Series Two - she's engaged to Rhys, but hasn't taken the plunge yet. She's totally committed to her job with Torchwood and hasn't set a date yet - which doesn't please Rhys. Everything else is basically the same and I would love to chat with some of you so I can get an idea about the timeline and where Gwen would fit into the scheme of things.

You can reach me either on AIM at Biz4Bubbles or through replies here! I can't wait to get started!!
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