Ever at the Ready - A Torchwood/Doctor Who RPG

March 18th, 2008

March 18th, 2008

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Alright. So I'm back from the dead with FRIENDS. Or a friend and than I dragged my Dean here. How awesome am I? Wanna know how awesome? Well...you can't. I'm indescribably AWESOME! *WINZ*

So I bringth back to the insanity Adrian Williams ([info]chuminthewater) and a newbie to the Torchwood craziness: Dalton Kingsington ([info]notinsane) Add them both or just add him to your flists. Since we already knew crazy Addie I feel no need to introduce him. Dalton...on the other hand...is very much the polar opposite of Addie.

Dalt's a genius. Genius as in...actual genius. He's not so proud of his IQ because he's not one to go announcing it all over the place. He sort of grew up getting spoilt and what not. But he's really...a loner. He's dealt with a lot of shit growing up, including witnessing a weevil kill his friends, and because of that...he's been in a mental institution since he was 16 and has been working at Torchwood 2 for a year before...he's been transferred to Torchwood 4.

And...that's about it. Plot, play, random chat HIT ME UP!!!! :D

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Okay, I am the Raven. If it weren't for my Sammy I wouldn't of been dragged into here. heh I bring you Aeryn. An alien who happens to be a hunter. She's persuing a certain parasite for killing her twin brother and she's definitely not a happy girl. Anything else about the little firecracker will more than likely come out in game.

*pets her and waves to everyone else and nuzzles my Sammy*
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