Ever at the Ready - A Torchwood/Doctor Who RPG

February 20th, 2008

February 20th, 2008


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I've been kind of winging it as far as Sara's universe but if anyone would like to give input on their AU personas, please feel free. I'd love to be able to compare the people Sara knows and loves (esp the Doctor, Rose, and Jack) with those she is about to meet.

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hello I'm andrea...a few of you guys know me from other rpgs on insane journal but now I have joined with a baddie Sebastian. He a psychic vampire ready to wreak havoc and do very naughty things! Who like to plot? I'm open to anything :)


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So after much poking with sticks by Becky, I am here!

Hello I'm Allison and I will be playing regular sweetie pie/doctor/companion/defender of earth Martha Jones ;) Plots? Storylines *waves and winks at Rae* Owen pwnage? I'm up for anything. I'm usually on aim if you guys wanna contact me at petrelliheidi and if you can't reach me there email me at zeppo1982@hotmail.com.

I look forward to playing with you all!

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Heads up! My schedule to be on-line is going to be on and off. Computer will be on through out the day. I am going to be spending a great time at the Hospital with my mom and running around keeping things together.

But, I will be on and off here. So, if I slow down the thread I am sorry. But, if you want work around it. I am to bushed out. I am just happy the Doctor was his silly self today.

Anyway, this is a Torchwood game and its Jack Harkness story. See, someone gets a spot light! Yay! On the side, the Doctor will do to help Torchwood a little. He's sort of helping to gain more information on them. Doesn't mean he agrees with Torchwood. =-)

Thanks dears!

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