Ever at the Ready - A Torchwood/Doctor Who RPG

January 19th, 2008

January 19th, 2008


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Hi everyone! My name's Ashley, I'm a twenty year old college student, and I absolutely love Doctor Who. Torchwood's cool too. :D Anyway, I've been searching for a good Doctor Who game for ages and my friend pointed me towards this one. I look forward to role playing with you all. :)

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My turn for an intro! *clears throat*

Hi, I'm Olivia, and I'm bringing in Aileen Han, the Korean technology specialist for Torchwood Four. She's going to clash with a lot of people, particularly because of her honest sarcasm. This is a girl who can really hurt with words if you let her. If you're close with her though, she's one of the best friends you'll ever have. An extremely honest, sarcastic one that is.

Let me know if you want to plot!
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