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Eureka Springs OOC

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[30 Oct 2009|10:09am]
*Comes out of hiding* YES I LIVE. For those who don't know me. I'm Alex, 19 Australian and the mun of this guy- aka Lucius Malfoy.

If any of you want him for anything comment, IM me at moonsdreaming on AIM/immortalaussie on YIM or email me at Even if you just want to chat :D

Alex :)
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[30 Oct 2009|10:02pm]
Meant to do this a lot earlier, but my comp died, and just now got it temporarily replaced. My fourth and final char, one Peter Petrelli, coming in from season 3, having just taken Sylar's ability. So, he's going to have those random moments where he's not his usual nice guy.

Usual open to plots and such.
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