Eureka Springs OOC's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Eureka Springs OOC

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[08 Sep 2009|07:22am]
Hey everyone, Shoshana here bringing a new character.

She's Jaime Vegas, a sexy and popular spiritualist on television and stage. And I decided instead of her being pulled to Eureka Springs, she comes here on her own. Jaime checks out her venues before she books a show there. And yes, she can really see and speak to ghosts because she's a necromancer. So if she seems to be talking to herself or talking under her breath, she's not crazy, it's just the ghosts bugging her.

I'm open to plots with all my characters (Elena, Dean and Madison) and will get back into the swing of the game this week, starting classes again is quite stressful.
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[ viewing | September 8th, 2009 ]
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