Eureka Springs OOC's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Eureka Springs OOC

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Hello there! [21 Aug 2009|11:26pm]
My name's Erin.   I make George Lass do things--hopefully fun, twisted, awkward things at times.

This is my first time playing in a journal setting, though I've been RPing for more years than I'd like to admit.  My AIM contact is <b>surrogate songs</b> and I LOVE new people.  Drop me a line anytime!

A little about myself: I'm an army wife and mother to a 2 year old Beast (affectionately named, of course).  My husband returns from his recent tour in Afghanistan soon.  During the day, I'm a nanny.. nights and weekends are pretty free.

I definitely look forward to this.  Bear with me, though.. as I get the hang of the whole thing.
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