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Eureka Springs RP

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[30 Aug 2009|12:42am]
Who: Barbara and Scully
What: Discussing Sherry.
When: Late.
Where: The hotel lounge.
Status: Incomplete.

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[30 Aug 2009|06:54pm]
Who: Dexter and Whomever stumbles upon him
What: 'Shopping'
When: Aug 29, afternoon
Where: Outdoor's and More (Downtown)
Status: Incomplete

Some might call it window shopping... )
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[30 Aug 2009|11:42pm]
Who: Barbara and Madison
What: It's Maddie's birthday! The girls have to do something!
When: Sunday evening
Where: The room and then elsewhere.
Why: See what!
Status: Closed, incomplete.

The conversation earlier this week had Barbara in research mode. She'd dragged up as much as she could find on demon hunting. A lot of the information had been complete crap. Some had been cosplayers and there had been probably one or two archived sites that had held some information, but not all that much. She'd managed to ger some basics, but tonight this was not at the forefront of her attention...

Today was madison's birthday, which was the reason that she now stood outside her door, knocking. She had a plan. Well... the makings of a loose plan. It wasn't a good plan, it wasn't strategic, but she was going to hold onto it. There were things to discuss and she was slightly nervous as she waited for her to open the door. No one should spend their birthday cooped up in their room. Pregnant or not.
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