Euphoria Lane Classifieds' Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Euphoria Lane Classifieds

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[05 Jan 2009|10:05am]
1. Someone pick up Percy! Pleaaaase? :D

2. I'm working on an app for a girl. I haven't settled on a house, yet, but probably Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw and she's fairly young - like 21ish? Anyway, I am wondering if anyone might be interested in any sort of pairing, whether it's flatmates, a love interest, etc. Her family history is pretty firm in my head, so IDK if a sibling line would work out, but I'm open to something like that as well. I just wanted to throw her out there for potential plotty relationships as I work on her app.

You can catch me on AIM at macgirl50 if you want to discuss! :D
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[ viewing | January 5th, 2009 ]
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