July 21st, 2009

[info]travelanthology in [info]erogenesis

Truth is stranger than fiction

Who: Eden and Savannah
When: Early afternoon, March 20th 2020
Where: The conservatory
What: First meetings are always fun. . .

Just because the day had been both boring and tiring, Eden had decided, was no good reason to spend what remained of the day in her room. She supposed that the rest of her appointments for the artificial insemination portion of the program would go much faster, but the first one had seemed intermminable. Still, she could be tired in the beautiful conservatory just as easily as anywhere else. She had a book with her, but it lay neglected in her lap as she mulled over recent events. It felt like almost no time had passed since she had first applied to the Erogenesis Project, although of course it had been several months. There had just been so much to do that the time had flown past - in fact it was only since she'd actually been at the Project that she'd really had the time to think of nothing other than the next four years. Now that she was no longer pre-occupied with the task of getting here, the reality that she was here was starting to set in.

Admitting that she probably wasn't going to be reading her book, she slipped the place-marker into it's pages and put it down on the small table next to her lounger. Shifting her long semi-dreadlocked hair into a soft pillow for her head, she leaned back in the comfortable lounger, crossing one leg over the other, knee bent, bare toes wiggling slightly in the warm air. Perhaps it was the drugs, or perhaps it was the moist heat of the conservatory penetrating to her very bones, but she hadn't felt this relaxed in years.

Fingers idly tracing patterns on her bare thigh, just below the faded cuff of her denim cut-offs, she watched the odd person passing by through lowered eyelids. She wasn't sleepy, exactly, just. . . Content. Yes, if the next four years were going to be like this, she thought she was going to be quite happy here.

[info]ex_penmanshi196 in [info]erogenesis

Games in the games room

Who: Paul and Jasmine
Where: Billiards room
When: During costume party 18th March, 2020
What: Just... there!
Content: TBA

From here.

Zorro and the beautiful belly dancer, or Paul and Jasmine, strolled down the corridor from the costume party, though the pace was probably a little faster than a regular evening's stroll.

Paul was telling Jasmine how he'd ended up deciding to apply for the Regenesis Project to fill in time till they reached their destination. His mind kept flitting between the glittering beads of Jasmine's dancer's costume, and the thought of the leather lounge she had mentioned, and he hoped he was making sense.