July 18th, 2009

[info]ap_prentice in [info]erogenesis

Niki & Jon - gotta watch that first step!

Who: Anika & Jon
When: Evening, March 18th, 2020
Where: Lagoon area
What: During the Costume Party

Having led the way outside, the lagoon's sunlounges the closest place she could think of for them, Niki dropped her hat on the table next to the sunlounge she stopped next to.

"This do?" she asked, turning to face him and reaching for his robes, figuring they were going to need both of them to get those removed quickly. Her lace panties were already wet, and would take only two quick tugs at the lavendar ribbons on each hip that were holding the gossamer fine lace in place, and her skirt was a lightweight material and easy to hitch up.

The boots were staying, so instead of wasting any more time she started on his robes, wanting to rid him of them at least five minutes earlier!