Erised Kingdom OOC Community's Journal


6th October 2010

6:49pm: Yes, everyone, it's Laws again with another new character.

Meet Roger Davies. He's currently working as an Auror for the Ministry. The bloke lives in a bachelor pad in London, England. To make it nice and short, he gets along with his coworkers and upper class members, but tends to be more reclusive. He doesn't really start up conversations with others, but he can carry one along smoothly. The reason for his attitude doesn't have anything to do with his personality because he's a pretty darn outgoing guy. No, it's because he secretly despises Voldemort and his gang. He's what people would call an Order sympathizer, if they knew. At the moment, he's playing double agent, pretending absolute loyalty to the Dark Lord when he is actually saving the lives of many potential victims. Roger has gained respect and trust through five years of hard work and achievements, but he's still struggling to earn the acknowledgment of the higher ups. The pressure to receive the Dark Mark is increasing every day, especially since he's now twenty-five. This would also include marriage, but he already has a plan to fix that.

For more information, you can check out his profile.
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