Erised Kingdom OOC Community's Journal


2nd October 2010

12:06pm: Heylo.

For the ones who don't know me yet, I am Laws - AIM: delirious deceit. It's going to be a pleasure meeting all of you.

I play Hermy-Own-Ninny ([info]genuine_genius). She is currently working as a household slave in the Malfoy Manor, hoping to contact allies and find a means of escape. Already came up with plots for her with most of you, but it never hurts to further them.

Now, take a deep breath and meet my newest character, Vasilis Vaisey ([info]rugged_apathy), who was the Chaser on the Slytherin Quidditch team (mentioned only once in the sixth book). He is both a Death Eater and part of the Ruling class now. At the moment, he's working as a Hit Wizard and generally enjoying his role as a slave owner. He has hit the prime age of 25, which basically means marriage is hanging over his head like some sort of nonsensical cloud. The bloke is trying to push it off as long as possible, but it'll most likely backfire. Therefore, like the fake gentlemen he is, he'll be searching for a "trophy wife", who he will abuse physically and mentally since he's a remorseless psychopath. It'd be great if he could find someone to take up that position. She could hold her own against the violence by all means, just as long as she keeps the conflict in the household (if you catch my drift). In society and around guests, he will be the perfect husband, so he expects his wife to do the same. Of course, I could always make her a NPC too, if it comes down to it.
12:32pm: Hii everyone, I'm Amy and I'll be bringing Ernie Macmillan former Hufflepuff and Prefect from 98. Ernie is a known blood traitor and is rather proud of that fact considering one of his best friend's is a muggle-born. Ernie is a slave so the majority of his life doesn't belong to him even if he thinks differently sometimes. His parents were killed after the take over but Ernie doesn't know that so he sadly still hopes to see them again. Currently he works for the Magical Maintenance Crew in hopes that no one sells him off.

I love to plot so just let me know if you want your character(s) to be friends/enemies/frenemies, whatever with him! My AIM name is massacredolls and my email is if you can't get me on aim email me it goes right to my phone and I'll get it wherever I am.
12:53pm: Hi Everyone!

I'm Lauren, mod #1 in the game, and I am very excited to have all of you here, and excited we start in six hours! (Bee says five hours, since Britain is on summer time, but I am sticking with GMT! *ducks curses*)

For those of you who know me, I'm a very involved mod, and I try to keep plot at a fairly brisk pace. We'll have a fairly big opening plot, and then Bee and I have the first month lined out, but a great deal of what we do will depend on you, what plots interest you, and what plots fit best with the active players. I can honestly say, 90% of the time, I've been surprised with what plots take off, but I am always willing to go with it.

With all that being said, I'm excited to introduce my four characters.

Alecto Lestrange nee Carrow (this journal) - Alecto is still the same mean, insufferable bitch she was in canon, but now she's also a bit self righteous because she's furthering the cause of blood purity by providing the Lestranges with their only heir, her son, 3 year old Roderick. She is married to Rabastan, and the headmistress of Hogwarts. She'd really love some Hogwarts professors to help her out.

Astoria Greengrass ([info]storiofagirl) - Astoria is a healer resident at Mulciber, and the daughter of regional governor Rhys Greengrass. She's a former Ravenclaw, and in general she's a nice person, though she does have a small smarky and vindictive streak. However, she goes along with her family's beliefs because she hates conflict. Her mother died when she was small, and she was mostly raised by her grandmother because her father had a hard time being around her because she looks and acts just like her mother. She and Daphne don't get along well because their father always spoiled Daphne.

Pansy Nott nee Parkinson ([info]emerald_doll) - The former Miss Parkinson was the first of her group to marry, and the first to get pregnant. She's very proud of this fact. She and Theo have been married for a little over three years. She's currently pregnant with a son, due in early November. She helps run the Nott family business interests and households. One interesting fact, she doesn't have a house slave, and refuses to have anything but house elves, because she thinks house slaves are demeaning to her status.


Ginny Weasley ([info]broken_lioness) - Since Ginny was underage when the war ended, she was taken from her family and "re-educated" (like that worked) and sent to live with her Aunt Muriel. She took a job working for Olivander not long after, and is now an apprentice wand maker. She and her aunt have been smuggling information and supplies, including wands, to the Order and other criminals for a few years, and due to her job, she's afforded a bit more travel rights to pick up supplies than other people in her situation. She misses her family a great deal, and wishes she knew where they were. Also, she's publicly mourned the "death" of Harry Potter for several years now.

My AIM is ArUrbEx so if you have any questions, plot or want to chat, feel free to bug me.
6:59pm: Hello all! I am Meg. I am bringing you two kids. I am on CST, you can find me on AIM at MegWrt. If we keep missing each other please email me at megschaos @ g mail . com.

I have Millicent Bulstrode: This journal. She is a single witch, dealing issues. She is trying to dodge marriage talk with the best of them. She is working on starting her own fashion line, lives alone in her own town house. She is the baby of her family and acts it at times. She is expected to marry well and produce offspring - she is a snarky, cunning witch who can be manipulative when the time calls for it. She is open for any an all plotting.

Blaise Zabini: duca_zabini . He is an Italian heir to old money and old power. He is an arrogant, elitist with a liking for money, witches, quidditch, and Italian wine - he will settle for other wines - but Italian wins out. He is odd because all his marriage pressure is coming from his social circut - his mother dens't want to share the money or the power that she can retain as long as he is unmarried. But he is also not adverse to the idea of marriage - he is looking for a smart witch that can survive and win in the world of the social elite. He is open to all plottings.
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