Erised Kingdom OOC Community's Journal


29th September 2010

10:19am: Hey everyone! My name is Kelsey and I'm going to be playing Narcissa Malfoy. Narcissa is beautiful, cold, rich, the best hostess to ever grace the planet... If you're not equal to her status, she really can't be bothered with you. If you are a member of the ruling class... well, I'd just be careful about what you say around her. Narcissa is constantly planning for the future and is not above using blackmail and coersion in order to get what she wants. She will not hesitate to use your secrets against you.
5:28pm: Hello everyone, my name is Ana and I know a good number of you here.  I am going to be playing Daphne Greengrass and Susan Bones here.  I am not at all interesting. I live with my boyfriend in our small apartment with our two cats named Kitty and Magus. I am going to Baker College atm and will hopefully be a Medical Assistant when all is said and done. Now away from that and onto my two girls here!

Daphne Greengrass ([info]dphngrngrass):  Former Slytherin and graduated in 1998.  Since graduating Hogwarts she works in the Ministry as Junior Assistant/secretary to the Minister.  She also helps oversee the Greengrass farms.  Her father is a death eater, so that makes Daphne part of the Ruling Class.  Basically she will be a snide and cold bitch to people she does not like, but quite friendly and caring to her friends and people she trusts. Things that everyone should know about her is that her mother died when she was quite young and she was then raised by her father and grandmother. She is very close to her father and they have a very close relationship while he all but ignores Astoria.  They were not super rich before Voldemort took over, as they were upper middle class financially.  After he took over they got way more wealthy and sold their four bedroom home and got a proper manor in Old Romney, Kent, England.  The Greengrass family has a few produce and sheep farms and have a number of slaves on them to help tend the land and such.  I suggest reading the profile for more information!

Susan Bones ([info]susanbnz): Former Hufflepuff and graduated in 1998. Since graduating and Voldemort taking over he had death eaters kidnap and kill her parents and try to do the same to her, but she stabbed the death eater with a kitchen knife and was able to escape. Ever since then, Voldemort and his death eaters have been after her. She is now and outlaw/criminal, but is determined to not let them totally destroy her life. She lives undercover/in disguise as a brunette, halfblood Irish girl named Katie McMurphy and works at the Hog's Head and Hogsmeade as a barmaid. She lives in a small flat right about the bar.  So anyone who  frequents that bar would know her but not know that was her. She has tried very hard to cover up her heavy welsh accent and put on the best Irish accent she can. I also suggest you read over her biography for way more info!

Just like Bee, I would LOVEEE plot and I would also love to see people app Justin and Ernie, especially since Susan has a  HUGEE crush on Ernie.  My aim is comagirly84, but you can also reach me on the ooc boards or my email which is
Added: Forgot to mention that Daphne's father is one of the regional governs. That part is slightly importmant
10:14pm: Hello peoples!

I thought I may as well introduce myself now whilst I remember. I am Bee, assistant modly type-person here. I bring you various characters because I honestly cannot help myself. I'm not overly interesting, so not going to go on there. On to the good bits:

Theodore Nott IV: Profile - Former Slytherin, Theodore left Hogwarts in 1998. He has since started working for the Ministry as a Hitwizard. He is a marked Death Eater, which is why he's a member of the Ruling class. He is married to the very lovely Pannsy Parkinson, and has been for about 3 years. She's pregnant and due to give birth in about a month. If they don't know Theodore, people may know his father, who's a regional Governor of the West Midlands though Theodore lives in Nott Manor near Bristol. They do own quite a large number of farms, though none of the Notts actually own any personal slaves. Theodore's not overly friendly, but he is decent enough, people won't generally see his more twisted side unless he's hunting them down.

Mandy Brocklehurst: Profile - Ravenclaw from 1998 - Mandy was involved in the DA from 1997-98 after t was resurrected. She spent most of the battle trying to help people out, before doing what she could, making her little use, which is probably why she wasn't pulled in as slave, Mandy is still very Pro-DA/Order but probably has no idea they're still around. She's friendly, smart and a little insufferable at times. Mandy recently finished her healers residency, so she just recently started as a Healer at the clinic in Hogsmeade. I don't think anyone in the game lives in Hogsmeade, but should anyone visit that clinic, she'll be there!

Gwen Montgomery: Profile - Slytherin finished in 1999 - Gwen is currently a Free witch, because although her brother is a Death Eater, she is not marked. Even so, Gwen's good friends with a lot of the ruling class with Pansy being one of her closest mates (she says she's gonna be the Godmother!). Gwen currently works at the Ministry as the Assistant to the Head of the DMLE, but was welcome witch for a couple of years as well as an actress. So! People will hopefully know her. She is generally friendly, unless you piss her off, with a rather biting sense of humour.

Megan Jones: Profile - Hufflepuff c/o 1998 - Megan's a muggleborn so she was involved in all f the anti-muggleborn stuff after Voldie took over. She was in Azkaban for most of that year only to be freed and made into a slave. She's been working for St. Mungo'sMulciber's for about 5 years now as an Orderly, and couldlikely have run across loads of people (whether they noticed her or not is another story!) Megan was an incredibly bubbly, giggly, girly sort of girl, though she'll likely have change drastically as a slave (anyone who knew her before is free to comment). She lives in the slave housing with 4 other girls, and would love company ;)

I know! Too long! But whilst I have your attention, it'd be great, if you guys could check the list of occupation, make sure that your character's is listed. It would also be great if we got everyone's family on our list of leavers. Siblings, anyone you want to throw up there, it'll just give us an idea who was in school with who, old friendships, sibling friends, that sort of thing! It will help with the differing ages.

Anyway, I would really love to work out plot with everyone! I'm on AIM at Mandy Nott Lilly. I am in the UK, so if you don't catch me on AIM, please feel free to email me ( or PM me.
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