Erised Kingdom OOC Community's Journal


25th September 2010

7:51pm: Heylo! I am the player of Hermy-Own-Ninny here. You can call me Laws. Currently, my little muse is working under the Malfoy family, while trying to scheme her way out of there. She needs a lot of support. Really. I don't doubt her brilliance, but each of her attempts have been hindered so far. She's actually desperately wanting to contact some friends and allies, so maybe there can be some plotlines based on owl letters and other forms of communication. Contact with the Malfoys would be plenty of entertainment, too. Perhaps, someone can send her food as well. That'd be nice.

Just dropping by with an introduction. It's awesome meeting all of you!

On an additional note, if you want to contact me, my AIM username is delirious deceit.
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